Premium plugins (18)

Custom ReportsPull out the information you need in order to be successful. Develop your custom strategy to meet your individualized goals while saving money & time.5.0.15240701
Advertising Conversion ExportProvides an export of attributed goal conversions for usage in ad networks like Google Ads so you no longer need a conversion pixel.5.1.2240701
FunnelsIdentify and understand where your visitors drop off to increase your conversions, sales and revenue with your existing traffic.5.2.2240621
Login SAMLProvides SAML support for Matomo. Compatible with any Identity Provider such as OneLogin, Okta, Ping Identity, ADFS, Google, Salesforce, SharePoint.5.0.6240617
Users FlowUsers Flow is a visual representation of the most popular paths your users take through your website & app which lets you understand your users needs.5.0.3240422
SEO Web VitalsImprove your website performance, rank higher in search results and optimise your visitor experience with SEO Web Vitals.5.0.6240422
Search Engine Keywords PerformanceAll keywords searched by your users on search engines are now visible into your Referrers reports! The ultimate solution to 'Keyword not defined'.5.0.13240422
Roll-Up ReportingAt a glance, see how several of your websites, mobile apps & shops are performing overall. Get new insights into your business & save time every day.5.0.4240422
Multi Channel Conversion AttributionGet a clear understanding of how much credit each of your marketing channel is actually responsible for to shift your marketing efforts wisely.5.0.3240422
Media AnalyticsGrow your business with advanced video & audio analytics. Get powerful insights into how your audience watches your videos and listens to your audio.5.0.8240422
Heatmap & Session RecordingTruly understand your visitors by seeing where they click, hover, type and scroll. Replay their actions in a video and ultimately increase conversions.5.1.5240422
Form AnalyticsIncrease conversions on your online forms and lose less visitors by learning everything about your users behavior and their pain points on your forms.5.0.10240422
Crash AnalyticsDetect crashes to improve the user experience, increase conversions and recover revenue. Resolve them with insights to minimise developer hours.5.0.2240422
CohortsTrack your retention efforts over time and keep your visitors engaged and coming back for more.5.0.9240422
A/B TestingIncrease revenue and conversions by comparing different versions of your websites or apps & detect the winning variation that will grow your business!5.1.3240422
WooCommerce AnalyticsDrive more revenue, improve your sales funnel, and get accurate insights with our Matomo Analytics Ecommerce tracking integration for your WooCommerce.5.1.0240318
Activity LogGet a detailed audit log of all activities happening in your Matomo Analytics for increased security, risk management, and problem diagnostic.5.0.2240212
White LabelGive your users and clients access to a more streamline analytics experience that is less confusing and lets your own branding shine.5.0.1231221